Looking Forward to KubeCon NA 2023

(Last Updated On: 2023-11-01)

I am very excited to attend KubeCon for a second time this year at KubeCon North America in Chicago.  Last year I really enjoyed learning about new CNCF projects and meeting with the founders and maintainers of various CNCF projects.  My KubeCon experience inspired a bit of writing and I really cannot wait to do it again.  What excites me most is that many of the things that I wrote about after last KubeCon are things that my team at Submittable have had the opportunity to work with.  In particular we have leveraged Crossplane.  Additionally, we have begun to explore Kyverno.  I am excited to share our learnings and feedback with the maintainers of these tools.

I am also excited to do a bit of exploration around Chicago.  I hate to say it but I have never really been to Chicago apart from taking connecting flights from O’Hare.  I have always felt a special connection to Chicago because two Chicagoans living in the Pacific Northwest helped my parents find each other.  They also helped my parents find a pizza place that was as Chicago as they could find.  I still love that pizza place and I am very excited to try the best pizza Chicago has to offer.

If you plan to be at KubeCon NA this year keep an eye out for me.  I will have a unique camera.  I love to take pictures with old film cameras.  Maybe I can take your picture when we meet?  Check out my photography to get an idea of the kind of photography I do.